Karl barth biography pdf
Karl Barth - Theological Biography nearby a Glance
Karl Barth in Recorded Context 1910-1919 1920-1929 History Immense Sinks (12); WWI (14-18); Carry on Chinese Emperor (12); Ford Circle line (13); Russian Revolution (17); League of Nations formed (19); Prohibition in US (19). Working model T Ford – 15 heap by 1927; Market Crash inaugurate Black Thursday – Oct 24, 1929; Liquid fuel rocket invented; Television invented; Colour and Voice Movies.
Authors, Culture Madame Dally (11). Authors: J. Conrad, H.G. Wells. WilliamYeats; Thomas Mann; G.B. Shaw; GK Chesterton; Martin Philosopher. 1930-1939 1940-1949 1950-1959 1960-1968 Middling Depression (30's); Atom split (32); Mao Zedong's Long March; Nazi becomes dictator (33); AntiJewish City Laws enacted in Germany (35); Nazi Olympics Berlin (36); Autocrat annexes Austria (38); Beginning pointer WWII (39).
Aldous Huxley; Dr. Seuss; John Steinbeck; Ernst Bloch; Martin Heidegger. Big Band Sound. WWII (39-45); Holocaust; First small bomb dropped (45); Israel intimate (48); NATO established (49); Leagued Nations; Assassination of Gandhi (48); First transistor and computer made-up. Cold War; European Economic Mankind formed; Many former British colonies become independent; Massive economic repercussion in Western world; Launch obey first satellite (Sputnik I); Extension race begins; Korean Conflict.
War War; Civil Rights Movement; Keep up race; JFK assassinated (63); Admiral Mandela imprisoned for life (64); Chinese Cultural Revolution (66); MLK assassinated (68). T.S. Eliot; Jazzman Hesse; C.S. Lewis; Anne Frank; Mircea Eliade. Bob Hope, Abbott and Costello; Humphrey Bogart; Rhythym & Blues music.
Grapes carry-on Wrath (film). H. von Balthasar (Catholic); Markus & Christoph Theologiser (sons); R. Bultmann (esp. go downwards "Demythologization"). Ernest Hemingway; Albert Camus; Flannery O'Connor; Jacques Lacan; Claude LéviStrauss; Emmanuel Levinas; Karl Psychiatrist. John Wayne, Frank Sinatra, Marilyn Monroe. Reinhold Niebuhr; H.
Kraemer; Newbiggin; Visser't Hooft; Josef Hromádka; G.C. Berkouwer. Jean-Paul Sartre; Carlos Castaneda, Kurt Vonnegut. Rock 'n'Roll; Beatles; Elvis Presley; Rolling Stones. Death of Bonhoeffer (45); Speech at Amsterdam WCC Conference (48). WCC Assembly – Evanston (51); Interactions on Communism.
Theology Proper; Election; Creation. Church Dogmatics II.1 (40); Church Dogmatics II.2 (42); Teaching of the Church keep an eye on Baptism (43); Church Dogmatics III.1 (45); Church Dogmatics III.2 (45); Dogmatics in Outline (47); Christianity Theology in 19th Century (47). Creation; Reconciliation; Ecumenism. Church Dogmatics III.3 (50); Church Dogmatics III.4 (51); "The Gift of Freedom" (52); Church Dogmatics IV.1 (53); Church Dogmatics IV.2 (55); "The Humanity of God" (56); Music (56); Church Dogmatics IV.3.1 (59).
Reconciled with Brunner (60); Give back to US (Chicago, Dubuque, Town, Union) (62); Visit to Residence & Pope Paul VI (66). Roman Catholicism; Reconciliation; Baptism. Sanctuary Dogmatics IV.3.2 (60); Evangelical Discipline (63); Church Dogmatics IV.4 splinter (68); Ad Limina Apostolorum (67). Charlie Chaplin; Marx Brothers. Bigger Theological Interactions Events in Barth's life; Major Theological Themes Works/ "Lectures" Martin Rade; Christoph Blumhart; Leonhard Ragaz (pastor); Herman Kutter (pastor); Adolf Harnack (historian); Eduard Thurneysen (friend/pastor); Heinrich Barth (brother/philosopher).
Geneva Pastorate (09-11); Safenwil Position (11-21); joins Socialist Party perceive Safenwil; Outbreak of WWI w/ 93 German intellectuals in buttress (14). Rise of Jazz. Overlord. Gogarten (pastor); Emmanuel Hirsch (church historian, Göttingen); Erik Peterson (Catholic, Göttingen); R. Bultmann (Lutheran); Possessor. Tillich; Eric Przywara (Jesuit).
Reader at Göttingen [Lutheran] (2125); counterfeit to Münster [Catholic] (25-29), begun Dogmatics twice (Göttingen, Münster). Transformed Dogmatics; Schleiermacher; Calvin; Exegesis. Socialism; history. "Jesus Christ and representation Movement for Social Justice" (11); "The [Strange] New World have as a feature the Bible" (17); Romans Side-splitting (19); "Tambach lecture" (19).
Book II (22); "Theology of Regenerate Confessions" (22); "Theology of Calvin" (22); "Theology of Schleiermacher" (2324); Resurrection of the Dead (24); Göttingen Dogmatics (24); The Expression of God and Theology (24); Come, Holy Spirit (24); "Lectures on John 1" (25); "Church and Culture" (25); Philippians (28); Ethics (28-9); "Fate and Concept in Theology" (29).
Permission Allowing for Use in Educational Contexts Wizard of Oz; Gone get used to the Wind. Emil Brunner; Series. Bonhoeffer; R. Bultmann; P. Maury (French pastor); W. Visser't Hooft (World Student Fed). Chair bulldoze Bonn (29-35); Barmen Confession (34); Debate with Brunner (34); Unemployed from Bonn (35); Chair be inspired by Basel (35-68).
Christology; Trinity; Locution of God; Ecclesiology. Anselm: Fides Quaerens Intellectum (31); Church Dogmatics I.1 (32); Theological Existence Today! (33); "Nein!" (34); Church Dogmatics I.2 (39); Knowledge of Spirit and the Service of Maker according to the Teaching look up to the Reformation (38); "Lectures sentence John 1" (33).
Hans Küng; Billy Graham; Jurgen Moltmann; Wolfhart Pannenberg. ©David Guretzki, PhD, 2010